

We can handle your supplements. All you need to do is send us the estimate your client received from their insurance company and supply us with your PDR scope sheet or Mobile app estimate. We will take the original estimate from the insurance company and mirror it into their preferred Insurance estimating software. Once completed, we will create a supplement with your company Header and logo. You do no need to go through the original estimate from the insurance company and look for differences because that’s what we do. When we finish, you will have a professional estimate written in the insurance company language. The supplement we create in their preferred format will speed up the approval rate and, in most cases, be submitted for a simple desk review instead of the whole reinspection process. Getting the vehicle through the supplement process quickly can be a significant struggle; using our process will take some pressure off your business and your client.

Let us take the burden of Supplement writing off your hands!
This service is $200.00 per supplement estimate.