No. You only pay for what we translate.

You will receive your estimate within 24 hours. (Business Hours/ Monday-Friday)

You simply email your estimate along with eight photos to [email protected] or give us a call at 877-4EST-Biz. (877-437-8249)

Certainly! Your initial estimate is complimentary at Classy Estimating. Feel free to submit any hail damage estimate to experience our capabilities firsthand. 

No. You only pay for what we translate.

You will receive your estimate within 24 hours. (Business Hours/ Monday-Friday)

You simply email your estimate along with eight photos to [email protected] or give us a call at 877-4EST-Biz. (877-437-8249)

Certainly! Your initial estimate is complimentary at Classy Estimating. Feel free to submit any hail damage estimate to experience our capabilities firsthand. 

Your first translation is 100% FREE! When you decide to send them all to us it is $220.00 per estimate.

NO. You only pay for what we translate.

You will receive your PDR estimate within 24 hours (Business Hours/Monday-Friday)

We would love to hear from you!

Do you have any suggestions? We would love to hear them as well!

Please email us at [email protected]