It will hail this year! Is your team ready?

**Attention Collision Center Owners & Directors!**
Are you tired of leaving money on the table during hail season?

Mobile Tech RX

Let us help get you every penny you deserve on all your hail estimates.

It’s as easy as 1,2,3

Email us your current

We translate and add all Standard Operating Procedures that were missed.

We send you back a preferred Insurance Estimate!

Pick Your Perfect Plan

Send us your PDR scope sheet or Mobile app estimate with photos and Company information to [email protected]

Enter Code FREE  for your first estimate

Pay Per Estimate

No monthly fees. Cancel Anytime. Use as often as you’d like.
$ 220
  • Classy Estimating will translate your PDR estimate into preferred Insurance format. We will completely dissect your estimate for every missing item possible.
  • Classy Estimating will find every Standard Operating Procedure that it takes to R & I the vehicle, Any Body time or conventional repair time will be added with paint time as well, We will add all parts with proper pricing.
  • All of our estimates are designed to get you the most money.
  • We find everything for you. We just need you to write the PDR, any mark-ups, Parts, and Body hours. We will handle the rest!


Do you need a line-by-line Supplement? We do that too!
$ 220
  • All you need to do is send us the estimate that your client received from their insurance company and supply us with a copy of your scope sheet or your Mobile app estimate etc.
  • We will take the original estimate from the insurance company and mirror it into their preferred insurance software.
  • Once that is completed, we will create a supplement with your company Header and logo.
  • No need for you to go through the original estimate from the insurance company and look for differences because that’s what we do.
  • When we are finished you will have a professional estimate written in the insurance company language.
  • The supplement that we create will speed up the approval rate and in most cases be submitted for a simple desk review instead of the whole reinspection process.
  • We know that getting the vehicle through the supplement process can quickly become a major struggle; using our process will take some pressure off your business and your client.

Here’s a Game-Changing Solution!

While you're strategizing to increase revenue by $100 per RO this winter, we’re ready to help you unlock HUNDREDS more per repair order—for both DRP and non-DRP claims during hail season.

Our secret? We’re specialists, not generalists.

Let us handle your hail estimates so you can:

​Our revolutionary process speaks for itself. Take a look at our video!

At Classy Estimating, we’ve solved this problem for hundreds of companies nationwide. Our proven process ensures you capture every dollar while maintaining your operational excellence.

Satisfaction Guarantee


We guarantee to optimize your estimate, identify missing standard operating procedures, and ensure you receive proper compensation.

Still have questions, send us a message!


Ready to see how we can help your facility maximize hail damage profits?

Let’s connect! Call us at 877-437-8249 to schedule a consultation.